Thursday, November 19, 2009

Mummy Hands

I've seen figures suggesting that the average person in the United States uses around 60-70 sheets of toilet paper each day. Obviously, the researchers who collected this information never met Laura.

While I didn't collect data, it was very obvious that when Laura was home to visit or stay that we went through rolls of toilet paper much faster than normal. Why? Mummy hands!

Some people fold toilet paper and others wad it into a ball. Not Laura. Apparently her strategy was to make sure no part of her hand was visible or could be sullied while doing paperwork.
I could always make Laura blush when I teased her about mummy hands, but never did slow down how rapidly we used toilet paper!


  1. I remember how Dad used to call us into the bathroom to ask why there was tons of wads of rolled up toilet paper in the trash can. He would get frustrated because no one copped to it! Naturally as the youngest, most mischeivious child I was blamed, but I always protested my innocence. After Laura finally revealed her "mummy hands" habit, I had an epiphany and cornered her about it. "YOU were the toilet paper fiend!" Laura and I laughed SO hard about that. For once she was the one who did it and I was the one who got blamed.

  2. She did this when we were living together at college too! We thought it was so funny, and teased her about it too.
