Wednesday, October 28, 2009

A Clean House

I had my visiting teacher over today and was thinking about how she and my sister came while we were in Iowa for Laura's memorial service and cleaned my house, so when we got home late that Monday evening, we would at least have a clean home to greet us. It was a very welcomed surprise.

It got me thinking though about how when Ben was in graduate school and I would escape to my parents' homes during midterm and finals weeks. I would work so hard to leave the home clean and have meals made for him before I left, and really how messy could it get, it is only one person and he was studying most of the time. But messy it did get, but I never saw it. Ben would almost like clockwork call Laura the day before me and the kids were to return home and Laura would give Ben a hard time or chide him, but she always came over and "helped" (basically did everything) to get our home clean.

I really appreciate that she would always do that for Ben and for me.

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